Wednesday, March 20, 2013

المقاومة مش بس سلاح! Resistance at its finest

A little girl inflicted with Cancer draws what she wishes to have in the future. 

During the famous street battles of Mohamed Mahmoud street, Egypt, between security forces and the revolutionaries. 
اغضب..اعترض...اجري...اضرب...بس كل دة مش مقاومة..المقاومة انك تفضل واقف مكانك...ساند اصحابك...واللي مش اصحابك..ساند كل صاحب حق..حتي ان مكنش حقك...انتم ملح الارض!

Mohamed Mahmoud battle also.

متخليش المجتمع المعاق يكتف حركتك...راحت رجلك؟ فيك مخ وقلب وعقل وايدين و صوت..كمل!

After Mohamed Mahmoud battle, the revolution and the fight continued, even with many people losing their eyesight as snipers targeted them. They did not stop. 

خسروك حاجة؟ حاجة واحدة؟ طب لسة في قد اية تقدر تكسبه؟ الحياة مش حاجة واحدة

علي قد تمسكك بالفكرة...علي قد ما تضعف ظالمك..يأسك املهم..واملك يأسهم!

نيران هتافك...تحرر صاحبك الممسوك...متزهقوش..زنزا علي دماغ ابوهم..اقرفوهم..و دي جل المقاومة!

 Jewish American peace activist Rachel Corrie, carrying no weapon but a microphone, was crushed to death by an Israel Defense Forces armored bulldozer in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, while trying to stop them from demolishing the house of a Palestinian family. She left her "democratic" country, peace of mind, luxurious life, and decided to travel all the way to a war zone and stop a genocide. Glory be to the Honest in their beliefs. Glory be to the Human!

 A depiction of a WWII soldier CRAVING some music, some love, some normal life in the midst of the agony of a war he did not want to join. He still can relate to the human within himself. He was not turned into a complete monster by the war machine.

Usually when in danger, most people run away from the source of danger. But have you seen a whole nation, marching, together, towards it? Not caring, only advancing to achieve what they dream of!
If that is not resistance, what is?

Resist their predetermined ideas, their sectarianism  their oppression, even when you do it with a voice, and a flag! That is all you need to implement an idea that lives on.

Your faith is not a cliche. Your identity is not to be bashed. Self assertion is a right. Homeland is not a piece of land, it is the Identity. It is where, how, and why you were made to be the person you are today. Every single thing in it helped shape the person you are today.

اطلعي من قوالبهم..منتيش مغلوبة علي امرك..منتيش كنبة و كرسي...انتي زيك زيهم..مكانك كتف بكتف معاهم...يمكن قبلهم..متقبليش تتظلمي..لا برؤية حد ليكي بطريقة مهينة..ولا بايد عساكر غشيمة!

Fight back against the stereotypes which shows you as weak, passive, insecure. You are what you decide to be! Fight back, the oppressor, and the manipulative society which shackles your free will to choose whatever you want to choose.

 مش قادر غير تحدف طوب؟ ما تحدف طوب..خسران اية لو حدفت؟ لكن ممكن تخسر اكتر لو محدفتش...ازئلزهم..هما و اسلحتهم الكبيرة..

 After the assault on Gaza, 2012, two Gazan girls can still find a way to play around and find happiness in the middle of rubble and the ruins of the now-lost not so many memories they left with their destroyed house.

An Egyptian lady in the city of Port Said sits to drink her cup of tea after the city had been bombed by Israel, Britain, and France. She's lost practically everything she owns, but she can still enjoy the simplest details!

Crime? Being a communist! Having a different thought, different ideology. If you can not live by their standards, die fighting for yours! It would be meaningless if you live by something you do not like or believe in!

An Iraqi boy draws the war planes that bombed his house, killing all his family members, and injuring him. And even before he feels better, he held his pencil and drew everything he still remembers to document what has happened, to glorify the history of his nation and family, and to fight back against the imperialist lies of war mongering.

Egyptian female workers fighting for their rights, 2010, standing in defiance against the central security forces who wanted to forcefully close the company in which they work, and end their sit in. نساء الطبقه العامله - 2010 عاملات مصنع المنصوره أسبانيا للنسيج

و احفظ القضية...تحفظك!

Asserting identity, no matter how hard the tide is turning!

This is in remembrance of and solidarity with every woman who fought back. In solidarity with every woman who fought back and won...But mostly, in solidarity with those women who fought baqck and lost, but did not stop fighting!

الأستاذة بسمة بلعيد ، زوجة الشهيد التونسي شكري بلعيد الذي قتل لمعارضته النظام القمعي..تزغرد اثناء تشييع جثمانه

Mrs Basma Belied, wife of the Tunisian opposition, leftist, leader who has been assassinated weeks ago. She is ululating,  making a wavering, high-pitched vocal sound resembling a howl with a trilling quality, which women make when they are in celebrations. For Muslims, they believe that when someone dies for a cause, they die a martyr, and are sent directly to heaven, and that is why we celebrate martyrs, as well as mourn them.

Carte postale représentant [mettant en scène] l’exécution d’un communiste, Munich, mai 1919.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

In Remembrance of Iraq Victims.

The victims of 9/11 were not only the 3,000 lost in the attacks, but also the Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and non-Muslim Arabs and Iranians who were murdered, beaten, discriminated against, illegally detained, and subjected to racial profiling, humiliation, and the vilification of their way of life in the aftermath. Let us also not forget all of the lives lost in the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Let us not also forget all the soldiers who were emotionally manipulated & forced to join a war that was never theirs to fight, and could not withdraw when disillusioned. 

In remembrance of all Iraqi victims, I remind you all and myself with the words of the brave journalist, Muntasir AL Zaidi who threw his shoe at Bush, and was detained & viciously tortured for it.

"If those who blamed me knew how many destroyed houses I walked over with those shoes that I threw, and how many times those shoes mixed with the blood of the innocent, and how many times those shoes went into homes where the honor of those who lived there was disgraced, then it was the proper response."

Muntader al-Zaidi

The shoe thrown at President Bush during a press conference in Iraq in 2008. Photograph taken at the Museum in TriBeCa, New York City.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

بنات حلوين وعيون لامعين و في ايدها سلاح:) Arab Women Fighters

Killed by Israeli occupational forces in Lebanon in 1982. She was a Palestinian refugee and freedom fighter. 

نكتبها عربي دي:) دول نساء مصريات اثناء تدريبهن علي مقاومة الاحتلال البريطاني في صحراء السويس.. نوفمبر 1951

Egyptian women fighting the British colonial troops.

Photo taken on November 20th, 1951 for the Egyptian women's "Tahrir Kata'eb" during their training in the desert on commando operations near Suez, they were called "Girls of the Nile

Egyptian female workers fighting for their rights, 2010, standing in defiance against the central security forces who wanted to forcefully close the company in which they work, and end their sit in. نساء الطبقه العامله - 2010 عاملات مصنع المنصوره أسبانيا للنسيج

Egypt's young women joining the army to defend their country against the Tripartite Aggression started by Israel, France, and Britain.

فتايات مصر يتدربن اثناء حرب بورسعيد ١٩٥٦

Egypt's young women joining the army to defend their country against the Tripartite Aggression started by Israel, France, and Britain.

فتايات مصر يتدربن اثناء حرب بورسعيد ١٩٥٦

Um Jaafar on the front line in Aleppo.

Guevara, pictured above, a Syria Palestinian married to an Al Wa’ad battalion commander, was the director of a secondary school before the revolution.
She is now a sniper on the front line in Aleppo.

A female fighter of the FLN posing with her gun during the Algerian War of Independence against the French.

Palestinian Women fighting shoulder to shoulder with Palestinian men (1936-1939)

The Palestinian freedom fighter Dala Maghraby:)

 Liela Khaled, member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and a convicted airline hijacker who was later released in a prisoner exchange for civilian hostages.

Leila Khaled in Damascus after her release from Britain in 

Liela Khaled :) 

Palestinian mothers, the real definition of defiance!

Communist women fighter in Palestine, during the 60's.
مناضلات الحزب الشيوعى الفلسطينى فى الستينات

هاتلي يا حبيبي غويشة :)

و ستبقي...

I moved to Aleppo with my family, I chose to pick up a weapon and fight the regime.”

Rokain, leader of Kurdish all-female battalion fighting along side with Jabhat al Nusra& FSA in #Syria against #Assad forces  :)

-n rebels :) كتائب الثوار -حي الشيخ مقصود 7 -5 -2013

Palestinian women joining the Resistance fighters in Beirut, Lebanon, 1982.

Women joining resistance against Israel in Jordan, 1070

Women joining resistance against Israel